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Gulda Prelude And Fugue Pdf Download

The present research cannot encompass all the styles available for discussion in these works. Both preludes and fugues of the Well-Tempered Clavier were based on popular genres of the time such as trio-sonatas, concertos, lute pieces, inventions, ariosos, dances and French overtures. Once students are familiar with the type of music that was influential in a prelude, there are many more chances to achieve a successful and convincing interpretation of Bach's preludes.

gulda prelude and fugue pdf download

A prelude is a piece of music that precedes "something else", a fugue, for instance, or it could be the opening or the introduction of a suite. It normally has the function of preparing the listeners' ears for a certain affect through the composer's choice of key and time signature. According to LEDBETTER (2014)4 LEDBETTER, David. "Prelude". Grove Online. (Accessed November 26, 2014). , early instrumental preludes developed from improvisation working as mean of checking the tuning and the tone quality of the instrument - the lute, for instance - and would also be a warm up for the player. The need for notating these improvisations came to provide models for students but the free style remained characteristic of this genre.

According to LEDBETER (2014)4 LEDBETTER, David. "Prelude". Grove Online. (Accessed November 26, 2014). , the prelude reached its pinnacle with Bach who developed it in both compositional quality and range of styles, manners and form. The Well-Tempered Clavier is a great example of how much variety is possible to achieve in this genre. The two sets of 24 preludes and fugues - Book 1 dating from 1722 and Book 2 from 1742 - had pedagogical objectives. Bach used these preludes to demonstrate techniques, fingering and composition, exploring the title "prelude" since it was used so freely. He was also exploring the entire range of major and minor keys only possible due to the recently created system of temperament - as we use on keyboard instruments today. Prior to the "new" system, pieces could only be played in certain keys. Other composers exploited this new tuning system and created collections of preludes; John Wilson with his collection of lute preludes, written in the 1640s, and J.C.F Fisher with his preludes and fugues for organ are some examples. Bach, however, was the most systematic composer to exploit this new tonal system, being the first one to write in all 24 major and minor keys.

According to WATERMAN and ANTHONY (2014)9 WATERMAN, George; ANTHONY, James. "French Overture". Grove Online. (Accessed December 7, 2014). , the French overture found in some of the preludes comes from the Lully's ballet overtures originated in the 1650s. This style quickly became a pattern also in French opera and ballet overtures. German composers incorporated the style that was also used in openings of suites. This form comprises of a slow, majestic opening, marked by dotted rhythms and suspensions, with a lively fugal second section. The toccata style often found in this works was originally a piece that displays manual dexterity, always for solo keyboard instrument. In the Baroque, these pieces became large scale works in free form normally including one or two fugues (CALDWELL, 20142 CALDWELL, John. "Toccata". Grove Online. (Accessed December 7, 2014). ).

This prelude is a great piece to work on contrapuntal textures. Despite its three voices, it is not very complex since the counterpoint is imitative, not presenting many different subjects as in a typical Bach fugue. Furthermore, its slower tempo makes it easier for the student to hear through the different voices. Practicing each voice separately is a good strategy for shaping the phrases and especially listening to the sound as it continues through after long note values.

Prelude No. 3 in C-Sharp Major, BWV 872, is a keyboard composition written by Johann Sebastian Bach in 1738. It is the 3rd prelude and fugue in Book II of The Well-Tempered Clavier, a collection of two sets of preludes and fugues in all 24 major and minor keys. 350c69d7ab

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